Born in Aspen, and raised in Boulder, Colorado, my first and foremost artistic inspiration stems from my father, Carl, whose career as a professional freelance photographer enabled him to travel the world, experience beautiful, wild landscapes, unique cultures, and people. Carl's lifelong dedication to his creative path continues to inspire me to this day. My journey as an artist was also impacted by Michael Hollenbach, my high school art teacher, whose meticulously constructed sculptures were an inspiration.

I embarked on my career as an artist in college; exploring themes ranging from hallucinatory dreamlike states and visions, to human consciousness and its impact on the world. I was subconsciously searching for deeper content and meaning in art, and my paintings from this period examined abstracted landscapes and environmental destruction theme. This time period marks the beginning of my exploration of human perspectives of the spirit and our relation to the cosmic universe.

After college, I traveled extensively through Asia for six months and immersed myself in vibrant foreign cultures, landscapes, art and spirituality. After returning home, I dedicated Myself fully to my painting practice. A few months later, I took part in a visionary art intensive with Alex and Allyson Grey, where I experienced a transformative turning point which further fueled my artistic passion and practice.

My profound love for sculpture led me through many trial and error explorations, resulting in my development of unique paint application techniques which have transformed my painting. I continue to push the boundaries of 3D painting, using manifold complex layers of sculptural application techniques, acrylic and oil paint, mixed media, light, and relief to construct surreal, abstracted imagery that portray the complexity of the visionary realms we are so blessed to experience, and the deep connection we, as humans, have with universe. 

My journey and definitive aim as an artist, is to create works of art that serve as conduits for sharing my knowledge and visions of our interconnected web of existence, that awaken the spirit slumbering within, and serve to inspire healing, compassion, and spiritual awakening in others. By interweaving narratives of colorful nebulae, fiery suns, luminous galaxies, star maps, earthly elements, the human figure, sacred symbols and geometry, I hope to provoke, in others, a deep contemplation of the interconnected web of consciousness & the infinitely vast universe.

My artistic processes are ever evolving meditative explorations that continue to inspire and center me. The series contained within this portfolio portray themes of radical transformation of light, energy, spirit, being, and consciousness. I continue to explore these themes, in multiple series, and my progression shows great advancement in concepts, techniques and ideas. When one walks around the artworks I create, different imagery and subject matter is revealed from various angles. Light bounces off iridescent and textural facets in an extraordinary way, making these works of art spectacular when viewed in person.